Two Steps Closer – Cover Reveal!

I’m two steps closer to getting my free novella out. I’ve just received comments from my editor, and I have a lovely cover. I may delay the release a little because Team Rubicon is running six different operations to help clean up after Hurricane Florence. I intend to deploy in October to help out. If…

Free Books!

I’m involved in two big giveaways for the next two weeks. I’ll post them both today, and probably a couple more times. This is a great opportunity to find new SF and Fantasy Authors you might enjoy! Just click on the pictures below.

Proofs Have Arrived!

The proof copies for Lightwave: The Sisters of Cygnus have arrived! Paperbacks will be available for ordering as soon as I verify everything printed correctly. Aren’t they beautiful?

Hiking Sweathouse Falls

One of the best things about living in the Bitterroot Mountain–a beautiful hike is never far away. Yesterday, the Amazing Sleeping Man and I hiked up to Sweathouse Falls. It’s a fairly easy hike, 2.5 miles with less than a 1,500 ft elevation gain, but it’s lovely. The biggest challenge of this trail is starting…

It’s my book birthday!

Today is the day! Lightwave: The Sisters of Cygnus is out in the wild! On sale for one week at $1.99! Book 1.0 and 3.0 are on sale too!

Ebb, Flow and Perseverance

I’ve been blessed to have some really awesome writing days lately. This week, I’ve written almost 10,000 words. Now, some authors write 10k a day, but I don’t. A really good day for me is about 2k. Saturday was outstanding. Not only did I write 2,500 words on Book 4.0, but I also started a short…

Adventures in Wyoming with HistoriCorps—the Anderson Cabin

After nine and a half hours of driving, the last hour on well-maintained gravel roads in the middle of nowhere, Wyoming, I finally reach the trailhead. I see a dusty HistoriCorps sign and follow it around to a corral with a Forest Service truck and livestock trailer and a HistoriCorps truck and cargo trailer parked…

Backpacking the Lee Metcalf Wilderness — Beautiful and Humbling

‘1, 2, 3…’ This hill is so steep, my pack feels like a thousand pounds pressing me towards the earth, and I’m blowing like an ancient racehorse desperately trying to recreate his youth. I’ve been reduced to counting my steps just to keep moving. Maybe counting steps is better than the earworm plaguing me so…

Weirdness Ensues…

I just moved my site from one host to another, so things may look strange for a while – sorry, please be patient.