Working Class Vegas Vamp Chapter 5

Working Class Vegas Vamp is a free urban fantasy serial, usually publishing on Tuesdays. It is unedited and subject to change. If published later, it may differ significantly, and will probably include additional material. Typos and English errors are likely; feel free to leave a comment or write me at am {AT} (revised as…

Working Class Vegas Vamp Chapter 3

Working Class Vegas Vamp is a free urban fantasy serial, usually publishing on Tuesdays. It is unedited and subject to change. If published later, it may differ significantly, and will probably include additional material. Typos and English errors are likely; feel free to leave a comment or write me at am {AT} (revised as…

Working Class Vegas Vamp Chapter 1

Working Class Vegas Vamp is a free urban fantasy serial, usually publishing on Tuesdays. It is unedited and subject to change. If published later, it may differ significantly, and will probably include additional material. Typos and English errors are likely; feel free to leave a comment or write me at am {AT} (revised as…

Time Guild 1 Kickstarter is here! Just one day left to pledge for Time Guild 1! The first Stretch Goal has been unlocked–can we make Stretch Goal 2?

Space Opera Sisterhood!

Available now in Story Bundle! I’ll let Robert Jesonek tell you all about it: What is it about space opera that makes us love it so much? The action, the exotic settings, the colorful characters, the alien species? The promise of countless adventures in the face of the great unknown? Or is it mostly just…

Five Year Publiversary!

I can’t believe it, but it’s been five years since I published Lightwave: Clocker! I owe huge thanks to Lou Cadle and Eric Knight for their invaluable advice. Thanks to them, I had the first three novels written before I published book 1 and used Deranged Doctor Design for my covers–those two things are still…

The Shock Point Series is live!

I’ve been working on a secret charity project for two years and I can finally tell you about it! Almost three years ago, my sister told me Kate Pickford (aka JJ Pike, a popular post-apoc author writing with Mike Kraus) was looking for stories for a charity anthology. An elderly relative (Erada, then 79) was…

Leaving Kindle Unlimited Tomorrow!

The Folding Space Series is leaving Kindle Unlimited tomorrow, so download your copies today! Watch here for an awesome Story Bundle offer in September!