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Time Guild 1 has launched! The next book in the Folding Space Series is available everywhere!

Cover of Time Guild 1

The Quantum Fold Series is complete!

Start with Book 1, Quinn of Cygnus: Lift Off! Or get the entire set!

Something is wrong at Adzari Net Academy. Really wrong.

It all seemed so right—Quinn’s big chance! She’d leave the mud, giant lizards and back-breaking labor behind forever and gain so much more: skills, connections, a job, a real life.Cover of Quinn of Cygnus: Lift Off

Then Quinn arrives to find the academy under new ownership and everything’s changed. Mean girls, strict schedules and tough teachers aren’t a problem. Quinn’s got the brains, discipline and training to beat them at their own game.

But the new owners raised the stakes and the house always wins. Quinn’s big adventure has become a fight for survival. Light years from home, with no power or backup, how can she endure?

Some might give up and fail. But not Quinn. She’s determined to not just survive, but escape and do a little damage on her way out.

They’ll never know what hit them.

Order all four volumes in one:

The Folding Space Series are available at all retailers!

Lightwave: Folding Space Series 0.5 through 3.0

Cover of Lightwave: Folding Space Series Box Set 1



Lightwave: Folding Space Series 4.0 through 7.0

Cover of Folding Space Box Set 2







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Lightwave: Clocker, Folding Space Series 1.0

Saree’s got a secret…Cover Lightwave: Clocker by AM Scott

A secret that allows safe travel between star systems.

Saree’s the only human Clocker – she tunes space-fold clocks. But…

If anyone knew, she would be betrayed – forced to blockade and blackmail systems for evil crime lords or corporations.

With a bounty hunter on her heels, Saree jumps on Lightwave Fold Transport, the safest option. But will Lightwave’s crew protect her? Do they suspect who she’s become? Can Saree keep her secret safe?

Race across the universe, one step ahead of danger, with Saree and the crew of Lightwave in this classic space opera. Get your copy of Lightwave: Clocker, Folding Space Series 1.0, before freedom ticks away, one nanosecond at a time…

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